
Best Rookie Advice to Finally Conquer Your Fears & Start a YouTube Chann...


Flowing with the River: When It's Time to Let Go

  Let them go find something that resonates with them. Let them continue on their journey in their way… you just stay in the joy of yours and wish them well. Let go of all the trying. Sometimes, in trying to be a person that resolves conflict, you end up trying to solve problems that shouldn’t even be yours to solve in the first place. When you stop trying so hard on relationships that don’t work simply because they're not meant to, they flow away as they were always meant to and the conflict is resolved. Stop trying and everything will fall into place. Trying to make them understand. Trying to make him love you. Trying to keep it together. None of this is supposed to take that much energy and effort.  Let them float. Let them flow. You don’t have to stop and solve all the problems. It’s great to be a problem solver. But sometimes, you keep yourself stuck tangled up in somebody else’s issues, when if you would just float on instead, you could solve your own problems much more ...

Harvest Season: Letting Go and Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor

  It’s reaping season! All the seeds you’ve sown, it is now time to harvest. Harvest season–are you ready? For some, that actually won’t be a good thing. For them, wish them well. For them, forgive them, as it is not your place to give them what they have sowed. Just as you will receive your harvest, so too will they.  I hope that the next time you witness another person attempting to sow weeds in your garden, that you simply turn the other cheek. Simply remember that the seeds we sow ultimately only affect our own harvest. Ignore the weeds they plant and they will find another garden to try to disturb. Their insignificant weeds will simply wither away, or disappear amongst the flourishing of all that you have sown.  You don’t welcome others to sow their weeds in your garden, of course; but you also don't get wrapped up in trying to save your garden from those weeds when they do. Nobody can poison your garden except for you. They can damage nobody’s garden except their ow...

Second Surrender

  There are two days that you must surrender. The first is the day you surrender living the way you think everybody else wants you to live. The second is the day you surrender living the way you think you should live. At least that's how it was for me. I thought I was making room for God's plan when I gave up the life I never really wanted to start with. But really, I only replace that life with my own plans. It's not enough to just surrender everything outwardly to make room for something Greater; you also have to surrender your inner world, your own beliefs as to how you will get there or how it should happen. You have to get out of your own way, too. It may be your vision, and it was given to you for a reason, but at the end of the day God's plans are always better than ours. I cleared the canvas, thinking I was making room for whatever God was calling me to do. Yet, I didn't invite God to paint the picture. It's time for me to hand over the paint brush and l...

Monster in the Mirror

Maybe there are times when our greatest act of love is to keep somebody out… To push them away. To leave them alone. Because even though you tell yourself you’re pushing them away because you’re afraid to be hurt…maybe the truth is something much darker. And much more painful to face than that lowly heartbreak and abandonment I thought I was running from. Maybe you push them away, because some part of you knows that if you stay… They will have to endure a monster. Maybe when they leave, you let them go with such ease because deep down you know–it was only a matter of time. You know it’s only a matter of time until they meet the beast…and you’re left all alone all over again. In the end, it's best to just push them away.  Because it always ends the same–you will feel broken. And you will do damage.  That second part is pretty hard to swallow. That I have done damage. That I have, in certain ways, been abusive. That I have hurt all the people that I have loved so deeply. That I ...

My World...Right?

  This is my world, right? I get to decide how this goes for me.  I can choose a world that’s good to me, that loves me back. A world that is on my side.  A world that doesn’t hurt me. A world that isn’t against me. I can choose that.  “I haven’t met the new me yet.”  I don’t want to think the world is against me anymore. I get that a lot of my beliefs come from a little girl that was just trying to protect herself, but when do I finally accept that I’m safe? I want to let my walls down. Fearlessly.  Stop looking for things to be wrong. Start appreciating all that is good.  I deserve for things to be this good. I deserve a life I love.  I’m done with questioning that. I deserve this. I earned this. I choose to see a world that wants me to do well. I choose to believe that I am blessed–even if not everything looks that way at the moment. I am choosing the positive. I am choosing a better world for me.