Harvest Season: Letting Go and Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor


It’s reaping season!

All the seeds you’ve sown, it is now time to harvest.

Harvest season–are you ready?

For some, that actually won’t be a good thing. For them, wish them well. For them, forgive them, as it is not your place to give them what they have sowed. Just as you will receive your harvest, so too will they. 

I hope that the next time you witness another person attempting to sow weeds in your garden, that you simply turn the other cheek. Simply remember that the seeds we sow ultimately only affect our own harvest. Ignore the weeds they plant and they will find another garden to try to disturb. Their insignificant weeds will simply wither away, or disappear amongst the flourishing of all that you have sown. 

You don’t welcome others to sow their weeds in your garden, of course; but you also don't get wrapped up in trying to save your garden from those weeds when they do. Nobody can poison your garden except for you. They can damage nobody’s garden except their own. There is nothing to save, nothing to fix. Let them do as they must. Tend to your own seeds. Nurture your own soil. Keep watering without any noticeable progress. Get excited when you see it sprout from the soil. Watch it lovingly even when the growth appears miniscule. And finally, enjoy your harvest, knowing that you absolutely deserve it.

And when those same ones that attempted to harm your garden ask you how they can get their garden to be more like yours, simply hand them the book.

Remember that next time you find yourself getting worked up about somebody else’s attempts to ruin your garden: the harvest season will come for both of you. Watch what you are planting, knowing  that you will reap exactly what you sow; ignore what they are planting, knowing that they too will reap exactly what they sow. 

All is well. All is fair.

As you enjoy this harvest season, try to cherish it. Then, the next time you are planting new seeds, remember this harvest. Remember that this day will come, as it always does, and that you will receive all that you deserve. And that you needn’t give others what you think they deserve–as their harvest will come just the same. If you can do that, your next harvest will be more amazing than you could ever imagine.

All the energy you’ve wasted concerning yourself with the gardens of others. Or with their opinions of your garden. Or of your own doubt that any of it will ever bloom.

All of that energy funneled back into your garden, and into the gardens of those you love.

Before you know it, you will be surrounded by beautiful flowers, and you will be thriving, amongst others that are thriving.

It is no longer your concern, your problem to solve, or even your theory to ponder as to why some choose to grow weeds and poison the gardens of their neighbors. You can rest in the absolute faith that everything is working out as exactly as it should–and that it is not your job to make it all work the way that you think it should. You let the Most High take care of it all, and you trust that He is–without your intervention, without your help–working everything out for the best possible outcome.

I will sow seeds of love and joy everywhere I go. That will be my life.


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