Flowing with the River: When It's Time to Let Go
Let them go find something that resonates with them.
Let them continue on their journey in their way…
you just stay in the joy of yours and wish them well.
Let go of all the trying.
Sometimes, in trying to be a person that resolves conflict,
you end up trying to solve problems
that shouldn’t even be yours to solve in the first place.
When you stop trying so hard on relationships
that don’t work simply because
they're not meant to,
they flow away as they were always meant to
and the conflict is resolved.
Stop trying and everything will fall into place.
Trying to make them understand.
Trying to make him love you.
Trying to keep it together.
None of this is supposed to take that much energy and effort.
Let them float. Let them flow.
You don’t have to stop and solve all the problems. It’s great to be a problem solver. But sometimes, you keep yourself stuck tangled up in somebody else’s issues, when if you would just float on instead, you could solve your own problems much more quickly. And they actually would be better off too, having to solve the issue on their own, and thus learning to deal with that issue forevermore.
Wanting to help is a beautiful thing, but often, it is best to let people untangle themselves. Cheer them on, love them from afar if you must, but don’t ever try to hold onto somebody feeling like you must help them solve their problems.
You are worthy even if you are not able to help the whole world.
You are worthy of living a life that is easy and beautiful.
The best way you can assist others in the journey is by enjoying your own.
You cannot force them to get it; you cannot simply explain–the only way that you can actually help anybody is by showing them, by being an example.
First, you fix your own roots.
Then, you keep them healthy.
Then, you have faith that others can and will follow.
Stay strong in your belief in your own well being, prosperity, health, abundance, divinity, etc
And have faith that even when it seems impossible, that one day others will follow.
Have faith in them even when they are mean; have faith in them even when they are weak; have faith in them even when they are apathetic; have faith in them even when they tremble.
It’s not enough to simply be an example to others, if you want to actually serve the world; you must also believe in their ability to catch up with you. If you don’t believe in your team, you are a terrible coach. Period.
It’s important to remember when you are ahead of the rest that in turning to help them up, it can be easy to get frustrated as they go through the same process you already did.
First they will be apathetic.
Then they will mock you and laugh at you. Just as you did.
They will fall, they will misstep, and they will want to give up. Just as you did.
When you wish they could see as you do, just take a deep breath and remember that if everybody could see as you do, then there would be no need for leaders.
Take a deep breath and remember that you were once there as well. You were once just as scared, just as certain of the futility of striving for better. With empathy, help them up.
And when they bite the hand that feeds them, remember that being the messenger has its pitfalls.
You also need to stop expecting other people to go against their own flow to stop and help you. Just as much as you can’t be anybody’s savior, so too can nobody be yours.
You can’t force the river.
And superman doesn’t fly over the river, so it’s sink or swim, love.
We each have our own unique path and though we may meet up along the way, none of us ultimately decide which way we may end up floating. In this way, don’t take it so personally when they’re path takes them a different way. When they fight it to stay with you, destruction ensues.
The quicker you let go when you're being pulled in different directions, the less “toxic” (incompatible) relationships and connections you’ll have to endure.
It doesn’t mean that they don’t love you, they are simply being guided by the same river as you. When you really think about it, you only have so much say in where you ended up in many situations–even if where you ended up was purely based on a feeling, following your heart, something greater than yourself. Sure you can choose to ignore the feeling, but that usually results in destruction as well. Following your heart is flowing with the river. But do you really choose what your heart calls you to? –not at all. If we did, life would be cake, but it would also be far from what we need–or ultimately, actually want. If we could choose what our heart calls us to, we could choose to love that partner that we love with everything in us but know that SOMETHING is missing. We could choose that and we could stay our whole lives with something far less than where the river would bring you. Eventually the river will bring you to your destination–the one you were always meant to end up at–but it will take much longer if you stop and try to force people and things to stay with you, when they are meant to float on. You will get there eventually–how long it takes simply depends on how much you want to fight the current along the way.
So you might as well just float down the river, enjoy the sights, the water, and the weather–and keep the faith through the storms.
When you must float away from them, do so gracefully and with love, knowing that it can be no other way at this time, knowing even in their lack of understanding, that it would be a far greater injustice to them to stay and fight knowing that I am being pulled another way.
When people tie themselves to another despite the current, resentments are born.
You resent them because you know deep down that they are holding you back from where you should be–or vice versa.
It is much more peaceful for everybody to simply heed their own call, regardless of who gets left behind. You can try to explain with love and empathy, but anything that feels like resistance–begging them to understand or arguing–is ultimately keeping you from your true path and inevitable destination.
Yes, you will get there either way, you just have to decide how much you want to struggle first.
Just flow with it, trust it, and let go of how that looks to the rest of the world.
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