Flowing with the River: When It's Time to Let Go
Let them go find something that resonates with them. Let them continue on their journey in their way… you just stay in the joy of yours and wish them well. Let go of all the trying. Sometimes, in trying to be a person that resolves conflict, you end up trying to solve problems that shouldn’t even be yours to solve in the first place. When you stop trying so hard on relationships that don’t work simply because they're not meant to, they flow away as they were always meant to and the conflict is resolved. Stop trying and everything will fall into place. Trying to make them understand. Trying to make him love you. Trying to keep it together. None of this is supposed to take that much energy and effort. Let them float. Let them flow. You don’t have to stop and solve all the problems. It’s great to be a problem solver. But sometimes, you keep yourself stuck tangled up in somebody else’s issues, when if you would just float on instead, you could solve your own problems much more ...